How anti wrinkle injections can help give you a career boost!
24th January 2018
Milton Keynes has recently been reported to have one of the fastest growing city economies in the UK and has been named a leader of innovation. With all this extra cash splashing around, you might have noticed that the residents of Milton Keynes are starting to look more attractive too? This could be due, at least in part, to the fact we’ve noticed an increase in anti-wrinkle injection treatment demand. Surveys have shown that people who look after their appearance are more likely to be given a promotion at work!
If you’ve been wondering why your peers or colleagues are suddenly looking so well, or so rested, it may not necessarily be due to an increase in the amount of quality sleep hours they’re getting, or their New Year healthy living resolutions. It might, in fact, be due to regular applications of Botox to remove deep creases in the upper face and create a rejuvenating effect! Don’t get left behind! Why age gracefully, when our natural-looking results mean you really don’t have to?
Who can benefit from our Milton Keynes-based anti wrinkle injections?
It’s a decrease in collagen production, which occurs naturally in our late twenties, that causes the early stages of wrinkles to form. The skin on the face becomes less able to snap flawlessly back into place after having made an expression when we hit our thirties, and the result is a wrinkle, or facial line.
What Botox (the main ingredient of anti-wrinkle injections) can do is stop the muscles from contracting when you form expressions, meaning lines do not get the chance to form. Once Botox has been administered via a fine needle, your skin should be smoother and younger looking. Your friends should notice a difference in your appearance, because you’ll look revitalised.
Anti wrinkle injections are great for smoothing over forehead lines, which are the lines that stretch horizontally across your forehead and frown lines, which are also known as glabella lines, and appear vertically between the eyebrows. Additionally they can reduce crows feet and prop up age-related eyebrow drooping.
Your new look
Botox injections take just a few minutes to deliver and are relatively painless. If you have a low pain threshold, we can provide a local anaesthetic cream to make you more comfortable. There’s no downtime involved with this treatment, so you can even have it in your work lunch hour if you choose, although we can’t guarantee there won’t be a little bruising or redness afterwards. However, this will settle down very quickly.
You should first notice a difference in your appearance 3-4 days later. Your new, refreshed look will be complete in 10-12 days and last for 3-4 months. Before you book yourself in for your treatment, we’d like to invite you to a consultation with one of our highly experienced and trained professional practitioners, here in Milton Keynes, who will be able to assess your skin for suitability and give you an idea of how you’ll look following treatment. Please get in touch to book your consultation.